Administrating Medicine
As is stated in the School Brochure it is LA policy that we do not administer medicines.
In exceptional circumstances: a long term medical problem or at the discretion of the Headteacher.
- The school will only administer medication prescribed by the GP. Medicine should be in the original container with the pharmacy sticker clearly identifying the dosage and the child’s name.
- Parents will be asked to complete a ‘Request for the school to administer medicine’ official form clearly stating the medicine to be administered, dose, timing etc.
- Medicine must be delivered to the school office by a parent/carer and will be returned to the adult at the end of the school day.
- Medicines will be kept in a locked cupboard or in the fridge in the staff room if they are to be kept cool.
- School will not administer non prescription medicine.
- Pain killers such as paracetamol will only be administered if they are prescribed by a GP, parents will be asked to complete the exact timing of the pain killer. (this guidance includes school visits and residentials).
- A record of the dose given and time given will be completed on the back of the medical form.
- The first aider on school visits will be responsible for administering prescribed medication when children are off site.
- Asthma inhalers will be kept in the child’s classroom for emergency use.