Miss Muir
My name is Miss Muir and I was born in the town of Macclesfield and moved to Chester when I was 18 to study at the University of Chester and became a teacher. I became a member of the amazing Woodfall family in 2011 and have loved it so much that I have never wanted to leave. During my time at Woodfall, I had so many amazing experiences and opportunities but the most memorable has to be my visit to a school in Zimbabwe to see how the children learned and were taught there.
Muir has a Scottish heritage and means someone who lives by a moor or fen. The Muir Clan family that I come from have their own tartan, which colours are navy blue, forest green, black, red and yellow. Many of my family come from Scotland and live their now. My first name is Kimberley which is also the name of a city in South Africa.
I have many interests including football, especially watching the team I support: Manchester City; walking whilst listening to my favourite music and my favourite hobby of all is spending time with my friends and family, whether it be with a meal, a cup of tea or eating cheese (my favourite food).